Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let's Start At The Very Beginning...

Hi, I'm Miriam, the proud (and somewhat doubtful) owner of this blog. I love to craft, sew, dance, and spend time with family, but am unfortunately a bit of a lazy-bones and procrastinator. But I'm working on changing that. Note the title of this blog :)

I'm 21 years old and I've just dropped college for a bit (SCARY). However, as an out of state student, me and my future sat down for a chat about my student loans, did a bit of math, and realized neither of us would be happy if I did not take a break for a bit. I was a Psych Major, but what I would really like to pursue is dance. But I've been a bit of a coward about it. I have all these arguments in my head about how dance is a nice hobby but there is a bit of a time limit on a career so physical, it's just not practical. Not to mention I've never been formally trained. And starting this late in the game? Uber scary. Has it even been done before? I don't know, but I've made up my mind I'm going to try.

Also, I've just moved from my college town, to live with my sister, her husband, my niece, and my cousin Sarah. Talk about a full house! I moved because I missed my family and I got a much better paying job here, which I could really use. I'm sharing a room with my niece, which makes me the new night nanny, so that's fun...Actually, I honestly don't mind. Every second I get to spend with that little girl is a blessing.

So here is what this blog is going to be about: My journey in Dance (miserable failure, though it may be), my life in the middle of nowhere, and my attempt to be more responsible, proactive, and consistent. And perhaps a few crafting projects along the way.


  1. Good for you! Making such big decisions is scary, but always worth it! You go!
    Kristina J.

  2. girl, why would you be doubtful!! take this blog and turn it into something incredible that screams you!

  3. Welcome to Blog Land. The networking possibilities are endless. Enjoy the blogging community.

    Way to follow your heart! Girl, that's so brave. Good luck :) :)

